All posts tagged: CUI

Getting Started with Microsoft 365 E5 for CMMC Compliance: A Guide for Defense Contractors

Microsoft 365 E5 for CMMC Compliance

Microsoft 365 E5 is a comprehensive suite of productivity tools and cloud-based services offered by Microsoft. Designed for businesses of all sizes, Microsoft 365 E5 provides advanced security features, enhanced collaboration capabilities, and a range of applications to boost productivity. Whether you are a small or a large defense contractor, Microsoft 365 E5 can transform […]

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What the Latest DFARS Rule Changes Mean for You


This week the DoD released the interim final rule for the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) and added details that may have immediate effects. It is outlined in an 89-page notice in the federal register published yesterday (Sept 29) entitled “Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement: Assessing Contractor Implementation of Cybersecurity Requirements (DFARS Case 2019-D041).” What […]

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Breaking Down CUI

Every couple of weeks, I am finding myself back in the same conversation when advising clients and potential clients about the impacts of the DoD’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). They inevitably ask: What is CUI? Controlled Unclassified Information CUI is government created or owned information that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls consistent with applicable […]

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